M2M (Ministry to Ministries) blog is focused on leadership ministries, revival, and sharing updates from a few of the ministries we assist.
3xM is an unique organization that supports Christian television primarily in Eurasia, Africa and Europe.
Pray for Indonesia
Their team in Indonesia asks you to pray for the Christian television programs produced and broadcasted there. They are looking for an extra television station on which they may broadcast the Christian programs and pray to God for wisdom in this process. Will you please pray with us?
We thank God that more and more people in Indonesia watch the Christian programs on television! Will you please join us in praying for the viewers? Pray that they, in whatever situation they may be, will go to God and learn to know Him.
Toli, a young man from Sulawesi, has been in therapy for three years to recover from his past with drugs. He has been addicted for 15 years. ‘The Christian television program which I regularly watch helps me to stay off drugs. It reminds me that I should always go to God during my weak moments and that I have to ask Him to give me the strength and the courage to resist drugs. I can’t do this on my own. Praise the Lord!’
Programs becoming more and more popular in Bangladesh
The Christian television programs on corruption, honor killing, eve teasing and environment which are produced and broadcasted in Bangladesh are becoming more and more popular in that country. Our partner tells us that miracles are happening there! During the past month 13 different newspapers have written positive reviews about the programs. They relate how the production works, what the aim of the programs is and how the viewer responses are in Bangladesh. We hope that by means of this publicity even more people are going to watch the programs and will learn to know God!
What makes this so special is the fact that Bangladesh is a country with about 90% Muslims. Our partner tells us that he doesn’t know why the Christian programs receive so much attention, but is convinced that it is all part of God’s plan.
Pray for inspiration
We ask you to pray for inspiration for the team in Bangladesh. They make a new program every week and want to encourage and help their viewers in their daily lives. In the meantime a new editor has been added to the team. Will you please pray with us for wisdom in making the programs and that God will bless them?
You can find the link to the summaries of our programs in West Africa and Indonesia, with English subtitles: https://www.youtube.com/
For the full programs click here http://www.youtube.com/user/
Martien Timmer – 3xM